(08-23-2014, 11:01 AM)Snak3 Wrote: The only proper reason for this change is to disable pre-engagement RP while under cloak, but that only opens up more possibilities to rule breaking, because when you hit uncloak, you have so little time to RP before attacking. While being under cloak gives you at least half a minute to properly roleplay.
So let's compare:
Chat disable while under cloak - almost no time to properly RP before attacking.
Chat enable while under cloak - a lot of time to properly RP before attacking.
I fail to see how chat being disabled while cloaked forces you to rush your RP before attacking, it is still up to the players to decide how much time they want to spend on roleplaying before they attack, cloaked or not. They have to uncloak to attack you anyways.
(08-23-2014, 11:01 AM)Snak3 Wrote: After this change, I have been attacked by uncloaking shup without a word.
Before this change, I have never been attacking by uncloaking ship without a word.
And I play in LIberty most of my time, where the density of players is the highest and the probability of rule infractions is the highest.
You know where the Saction forums are, don't you? If you care enough, they will know too.