Comm ID: Aspirant Jean-Claude Teissier
Location:Java Station
Bonjour fellow Corsicans!
I set out on a routine patrol in Tau 23 along with Monsieur Mathieu Picard today. We came across Monsieur Narcisse Archimbaute who gave us an intel on possible Congress vessels traffic in and around Tau 23 of late. While we were discussing about this outside Java Station, a certain miner going by the name Scoot undocked from Java and started throwing out unnecessary and rather offensive accusations against the Corsicans.
Just when he was being taught about how to speak to a Corsican, our scanners picked up a vessel, of unknown origin approaching fast, from the direction of the Kyushu anomaly. We intercepted and to our surprise *coughs* not really, a Junker gunboat and fighter class vessel came to his assist. The supposed Kusarian vessel suffered an internal malfunction as he suicide rammed unto Monsieur Picard's vessel, lighting both of their ships in the process. The gunboat was terminated by Monsieur Narcisse. I chased down the Junker fighter and he docked in Java fearing his fate after his ship suffered sever damages. This was while Narcisse chased down an outcast gunboat and made him run for his life. After this, I docked at Java for repairs.