Even if it's a Gallic Generic Unlawful Transport, it is still a Gallic Generic Unlawful Transport, what does justify a Sirian Junker using one? Two sentences in the SRP application without any precedent Roleplay to support it? Is that how we gonna give away technology to anyone randomly, with a total of 28 words (incluing articles and conjunctions) of inRP explaination in an ooRP setting?
Consider though, that its not even a military ship, its a transport. As far as the UC are concerned, they simply find themselves in the position where someone from Sirius got a hold of one of their ships and are using it for themselves. Every faction, at some time, has to deal with that in small ways. The tech chart does allow for a bit of reasonable flexibility for a reason. SRP's allow a stretch on that, but its not insane for this to have happened. I honestly can't believe the amount of obvious oorp hurt there is over it from those playing as the gallics who seem quite bent out of shape over it. The INRP response has seemed appropriate in both scale and RP consistency.
Quote:X: I want ship Z from Y faction.
Y: We don't want you to have ship Z from us.
X: Well, I want it, so too bad. And good luck stopping me!
So is this you or the character you're playing that cares so much? There comes a point where even the admins know that SRP's in general go against the regular grain and might not go over well with everyone. That's why its costly. It means sometimes factions will have no choice but to respond inrp only. Bounties and engaging that person directly might be their only options. How bad you/your character cares about it reflects on how much inrp-wise you're willing to work. The price you put on this ship was not exactly enough to have bounty hunters knocking down his door every 10 minutes. If that's the kind of inrp pressure you wanted, and you're willing to sink 250 mil into an opposing SRP, sink it into bounties instead, that might get you the results you want. Otherwise this reeks of OP jealousy that results in going way further out of your way to take down 1 srp'd 'stolen' transport than the gallics would really care about inrp.
Quote:$40,000,000 if you confirm that the .:j:.Res_Nullius has been left on a base we can retrieve it from, such as Java Station or Barrier Gate Station.
$20,000,000 if you must apply the voice of your guns in wrecking him.
$10,000,000 for all other Junker's Congress vessels (// transports included if your ID allow it) after giving them our notice.
40 mil to get someone to give up their 250 mil srp'd ship?
20 mil for one kill? That doesn't sound like he's that wanted.
10 for random congress vessels, which is basically a bonus for UC ships that find one while they stalk the Taus. You had the chance to inrp put some serious pressure on him. 500 mil was authorized, but you weren't really willing to spend the money to make him regret, inrp and oorp, flying the ship. If its bothering you this much, why not put a price that shows how much it bothers you instead of trying to nickle and dime it. Otherwise, if this is all you're willing to pay, you can't expect him to leave his ship somewhere with the keys in the ignition when he could easily match 40 mil with one cargo haul of pscrap.