Upon undocking from Beaumont this morning, I came across a Junker salvager being harassed by a lone pirate named mr.Robber, who also was also using the station to dock upon. He attacked the Junker right at the base, and was all around quite a belligerent fellow. Here is some information I hope is useful in making sure he won't be hanging around as he was anymore. The other Junker disposed of his craft, however I fear it may not be the last we see of him.
No more than a few minutes later, a Xenos bomber took up position near the station, and also started making foolish demands. I wasted little time in disposing of him, with assistance from the local Junkers there, who also had a good laugh.
Name of contractor: Captain Antares
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): As high as it goes
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Xeno Spotted <-- ID and configuration <--
Proof of kill: Confirmed destruction <--
Bank account name (to send the cash to): Argo
Cash amount claimed:I believe that was defending *coughs* 3 Junker transports. [X][X]. I guess that makes 5 million for the Xeno, and bonus of 5mil for defending the transports. Is that per transport? 12 in total if not. *chuckles*