Name:Tyrone Carter
- Biography -
Tyrone Carter, born on Planet Manhattan. Tyrone, or Ty for short as his family like to call him, was born to a well situated family. They weren't rich, and they weren't poor. He went to school like every other kid in the neighborhood, had friends, some that went on to be big people in their lives, and some that completely wasted their life.
Growing up, most of his family was business situated, either in a home business, or working in a Ship Dealer. Tyrone, after finishing school, decided to work in a ship dealer on Manhattan. He didn't have a lot of plans for his life, until watching the news about the Liberty Navy. He saw the life of a Navy pilot more interesting, intriguing, and at least, not useless.
When trying to join, he was automatically transferred to the Secondary Fleet Core. He was trained for five years, in warship combat and tactics. Secondary Fleet Core, or the SFC, saw something different in Ty. In three years, he was assigned to what is now known as Protoype Alaska, a Recon Battleship, based of the Osiris class Battleship.
Tyrone now lives a double life, being a normal pilot you would see of the secondaries, and a Captain of a prototype Recon Battleship created by the LSF.