In my opinion, actually there are more pirates than others! with better ships, more strong, more fast... omg, i dont know how, but I was disrupted 4k away!! dont ask me how... really strange.
BS scanner already nerfed (i disagree but...ok). The use of BS in traders, is NOT FOR AVOID INTERACTIONS, its just FOR AVOID TO BE DESTROYED and/or for save your money. (some pirates demanding awesome amounts!, we need a taxe limit rule ASAP)
I know about some pirates, acting together and doing it GREAT!, just doing a good cooperative pirating and if your trader have or have not BS... will not help you when they comes from 2 sides.
Anyway... if we are in a RP server, where is the reallity here? Do you really think in real there are the same number of pirates than citizens? Do you really think in real pirates have better stuff than law enforces?
I want to say, The Countermeasures also are nerfect (in favor to pirates), Transports have no wapons/shields against pirate ships (in favor to pirates), they have faster ships and can engage cruises much more faster (in favor to pirates)...etc.
This is turning into a "Restricted PVP 24/7 server"... hehehehehe. For RP purposes, we should look more into reallity, not everything oriented into fights.
For 250.000.000$, Battleship Scanner, should change name for "Sirius Deep Scanner" and return it into 25K range, and allow all ships to mount it. That will return back (like old times) the long range pursuits!!. I remember to feel my heart in my mouth watching 2 pirates behind me at 20K and trying to run away... but they was faster hahahaha.