Quote:* - Can demand cargo and credits from all ships except Quasilawful ID, non-Corporate Lawful ID, GMG ID, Order ID, and Coalition ID vessels which are not freighters or transports
That could be one, however it's a tad complex, and doesn't account for Junker piracy. Quasilawful does include UC, Hogosha, AI, and Zoner non-trade ships, though. To simplify, Corporate IDs could be given their own category (thus having Lawful, Quasilawful, Unlawful, and Corporate), but that would require most other IDs to be edited. That aside, it would then be cut down to this
Quote:* - Can demand cargo and credits from all ships except Quasilawful, Lawful ID, GMG ID, Order ID, and Coalition ID vessels which are not freighters or transports
These are just suggestions, and are open to input
oh god oh GOD please nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
A chunk of IDs are already hard to read, this would be absolutely insane.