I have been recently notified of this thread. What exactly makes you think that Rosenkov Technologies is among the select very few highly trusted allies of The Council to know about even the existence of Roussillon? I'm curious from where and why exactly you know about the system, because I can't recall having any contact with your corporation in the present or the past at all.
One of the tankers with supplies for the 343 and protected by one 343 vessel was lead (or rather, redirected) to the Yamaguchi in Roussillion, but was given only a low-security info regarding whole system. After a long chat with 343 officer, it became clear both Council and 343 needs more weaponry against, as far as I understand.
In short, RT was invited by 343 to supply Yamaguchi in Roussillion.
As a sidenote, I really wanted to remove that message, but the other replied, what made this message to not to be erased so easily ooRPly, as both requests to do so were rejected due to the fact someone replied. I agree it was a fault of mine, since Ageira shouldn't be a recepient there.
You can ask, with allowance of Ageira, to remove the CC, as it wasn't replied yet by the factual recepients. There should be no harm in rebooting it and I wouldn't whine about it (I'd be even more rather eager to remove it), as no roleplay actions have been taken yet.