My name is Nicole Hunter but I am sure your predecessors left you a dossier of mine so I believe I do not need to further introduce myself. You are completely right that the subject is a Trojan Horse. We were about to neutralize it completely when Mr Yoshida came up with an idea to utilize it simply as a monetary equivalent. By now the subject is potentially a double agent with a packet of undiscovered yet possibly disastrous subroutines. It is an obvious security risk to your assets and operations. At the same time each double agent can become a triple one while even not being conscious of it. The subject is rather prone to manipulation so the possible scenarios of use are abundant. Risk and opportunity is the game you play for a living Herr Koch, but I feel out of place telling this a seasoned intelligence officer.
I am unlocking access to our interrogation report concerning the subject. You should be able to assess whether the opportunities outweigh the risks by yourself.