This is captain of the Kruger|Omega-11 we have another problem with [HH] terrorist organization. During our patrol in Omega 9 system we encountered [HH] terrorist approaching the Star Space Port station. With no warnings their bomber class ship fired a Torpedo on the station itself directly endangering the civilians inside the station und that way prevented us from docking since the automatic defenses und shield were turned on due to the torpedo impact.
As you can see on the records the station's defenses are firing towards the [HH] bomber und the station shield is online.
After few minutes the [HH] disappeared in the near by nebula so we continued on our patrol towards Omega 11 system. Once we reached the other side we were intercepted in sector C7 Omega 11 system by the same [HH] ships.
As usual we received few insults from their side after which they pursued us back in to Omega 9 system were they opened fire on us.
Since we were outnumbered we focused on reaching the Star Space Port Station and we barely made it under heavy fire from [HH] ships. We got support from one of our security bombers who was on patrol in Omega 9 system, after his arrival the [HH] terrorist stopped firing on our ship.
Moment we reached the station a zoner undocked from the base in perfect timing which made use to wonder is that only a coincidence or there might be some special ties between [HH] terrorists und Star Zoners. We can only guess herrs but the rest we leave in your capable hands.
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