Quote:From a roleplay perspective, a world full of selfless vigilantes is nonsensical.
Acting in defense of another person doesn't automatically make you a full-blown vigilante. And nobody is talking about "a world full of selfless vigilantes" so much as what depends on each individual encounter. Some Freelancers would certainly happily pass by, thankful that they're not the ones getting pirated. That's different than making it a requirement of the ID or the RP of a Freelancer to sit idly by and watch crime happen. We're also talking about CDs here, not like he actually attacked you outright.
Quote:From a gameplay perspective it's just plain douchebaggery, pirates/unlawfuls have it difficult enough already with silent engaging traders and navy folks already - no need to pile unregistered d unpaid Freelancers on too.
Where was your backup there, solo-pirate? Hmm...guess you simply weren't prepared. Maybe YOU should hire the freelancer next time.