When is CD spamming considered trolling, or simply a legitimate tactic to stop an opponent from getting away? The first question I would ask is, does the player spamming CD's have a legitimate inRP reason to stop the player in accordance with their ID? For example, if a Freelancer ID'd player is CD spamming a target that they have no contract against, then that would be considered trolling. If a Pirate ID player is CD spamming a trader, then that is legit. If a Lawful player is CD spamming a cloaking hostile, that is legit. Basically, if a player has no RP reason to fire CD's at another, at the time he fires them, it is trolling.
Keep in mind that it is incredibly difficult for the Admins to verify that someone is getting CD spammed, unless there is video evidence. You basically have to be taking screenshots of the player's CD ammo and show him firing at your ship repeatedly.