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Joined: Oct 2007
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1. I salute the previous ideas.
2. I also think that the RP subforum should be moved to a higher profile position in the forum overall. Moving it so that it is in third place here :
instead of fifth, would be an improvement, I think. People tend to check things top to bottom, and this would get more people reading the RP forum instead of getting bogged down in the "debates" in the RP 24/7 Server subforum.
3. I also think that we really need a place where people can discuss whatever whacky faction idea that they come up with. One subforum for actual proposals that submit the 500M bond, and another one where people can brainstorm and get feedback.
The current situation has people dropping faction ideas all over the place while saying "this is not a faction proposal" just so that it doesn't get locked, when clearly it IS a faction proposal that they want input on before they go anywhere with it. Most new faction ideas need lots of feedback before they can be anywhere close to serious, and this forum and community ought to be the place where people can get it, BEFORE they blow 500M on an idea that will go nowhere.
500M to dissuade people from giving the Admins tons of proposals to review is fine, but the rest of us ought to be able to use this forum as a sounding board for faction ideas at the same time.
4. A subforum for posting questions about roleplaying in general, ships, weapons, etc could also be helpful. Putting it in the 24/7 Server subforum seems like the best place for it. Call it "Questions for the Community" subforum.
5. The battle time slots in the Events forum need their own subforum. As it is now, they completely drown out any other threads that are posted there, which is why we are seeing people posting event threads in the 24/7 Server subforum.
6. Mal proposed a subforum in the RP subforum to contain the "watering hole"/ "bar" threads that simulate the on station bars around Sirius. This idea received huge support.
7. And last but not least, a subforum within the RP subforum that is strictly dedicated to diplomatic matters and "council" sessions might be helpful.
Seven is the perfect number, so I'll quit there.
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