(03-24-2015, 01:58 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: It is sad to see I have to play with fraps on just in case a lolwut shows up.
The alternative is to play to have fun and not get twisted in a knot over individual incidents. Makes life much more bearable.
While I agree that this is ultimately a game, etc, there is also the point that the individual in question does not correct their behavior because they are given tacit consent and a passive endorsement, and I, for one, am not appreciative of someone making ongoing low level abuses because it was "not important enough to fix, just play the game".
The slippery slope that is started by that logic leads to gank fleets, etc. Every veteran player, and no, I don't consider myself a vet, just a student of human character, knows what happens once it goes that far.