Source Location:Planet Hamburg Target Location:Bruchsal Base, Frankfurt Encryption Levels:Very High
Name:Tristan van Gaal
Place and year of birth:Planet New Berlin in 799 A.S.
Personal Background: I hope I am sending this message to the right place. I can't take it anymore and I am running out of time. You see, I grew up in a militaristic family, whose head is a high ranking major in the military. I rarely got to see my father during my childhood, as he was always on the front, fighting for the prosperity of the Fatherland...or so I was told at least. But my mother was keen on making sure I read the "proper" books and was always a supporter of the Federation. Naturally upon reaching adulthood I was sent to a military academy in preparation for my future career...
What brings you to our cause?:To forward my story I will continue with present events. I am several weeks away from graduating from said academy. However, I have the feeling that I am making a mistake, which if not prevented will hunt me for the rest of my life. Looking back, it seems the whole of my bringing up was a mistake. I am a tactical prodigy in my class and my skills in a fighter craft are unmatched, but violence and destruction are not what my soul thrives on. I am tired of this regime and the constant warfare. But I keep asking myself how can I help the Fatherland?
Sometime ago a close fellow kadett of mine, who also shares my view on the current political situation escaped from the dormitories and left a note on my bed with your faction's purpose and coordinates to which to relay a possible transmission. After familiarizing with your goals and ideals I was deeply compelled by your organization. For the first time in many ears I feel like this is the right thing to do, it's time for a change! Please respond as soon as possible. I am planning my escape from the military machine of Rheinland as I am finishing this transmission, and I hope to find my true brüder within your ranks.