I would like to see Ask the Admins. ---Here's is how i propose it to work:
Frist, create 2 forums sections:
Ask the Admins and a hidden one, Admin disscusion (for Admins only).
The user gets to post A question on Ask the Admins.
The question is then discussed Amoung the Admins, in thier hidden admin only Admin Disscusion--then 'the answer' is relayed back to the Asker, via one admin posting.
Here is why i think this is needed:
Currently, users post a question....but then 50,000 members chime in, making the question thread 6 pages deep with servial pages getting off topic and some pages with flames. After reading the 6 pages.....one is still left with hardly a straight answer.
I think this needs to be trimmed down alot---straight forward question-----a section where the admins can discusse it among them selves and deside upon an offical answer followed by ONE answer given back.
Faction Proposial starting point :
Since the current rules say a faction needs atleast 8 or so regular members and 500 million, before they can go on to the next step, in creating thier faction....there needs to be a pre-starting point.
Example of forum section use:
New thread titled: " New idea for faction---is there any instrest ??--Hi there, I want to make a new faction based off the Dr.Who series...if instrest in becoming a member, post a reply and what tymes you are avaible on the server''.
From there, the founder of the 'new faction' can see if there is instrest from other people in joining.
If the founder doesn't get any replies..then he/ she will know that their isn't any point in continualling.
Think of it as a pre-sign up. ( and this exclues the founder's personal freinds )
From what i have seem, currect new factions are either created by having like 10 or so personal friends that play, or in game word of mouth.