On a more serious note, fix the spelling, punctuation, put your thoughts into more coherent sentences and you'll probably get slightly better responses.
Guys, please be more tolerant of those making an effort to speak your language. When you're making the effort to learn theirs you can think again about saying demotivating stuff like this.
As for the suggestion, you have quite and imagination. Unfortunately i can't see how this idea would integrate with freelancer well. But it's not entirely impossible. For example the Omicron Major dyson sphere gives the impression of a 2D space in which objects could be organised around. I'd think more along the lines of what will best integrate with the server and lore as it so stands.
don't worry my English is fine, i just not much of a typer, more a gamer.. where the wsad and mouse does 99.90% of the work. right thank you ash for the compliment on the imagination part and so forth. Yes i do have a vivid imagination and well i always try and make new experiences for everybody. i mean some games are so high tech especially the graphics where i am suppose to shoot people i end up reading the walls and newspapers on the floor cause now you can.. simple idea for freelancer.. you go into this system and explore the whole day and end up shooting nothing cause the imaging is so intense, i would help design ships and POB for players and even interior design.. new warp tech would be nice too like you have a warp cannon you have warp batteries.. lasts over distance so 100 warp batteries can last you from c1 to c5, basically a cannon you activate this cannon first uses power.. shoots a shot over 500m then a neon green triangle portal opens and then you open the map, then pick where you want to land. and then close map and fly into the portal which will take you instantly there.. for all ships but only in the same system.. sounds complicated but cool features or police or navy who need to support friends or escorts ASAP in that system. aswell as quick get aways for them LR and who ever else.