Lythrilux Wrote:On the contrary, by AI lore they're easily efficient enough to build these things provided they can gather the materials. They have machines upon machines that are perfectly capable of building ships - these drones do not require food, sleep, water or oxygen.
My bad, I didn't put it correctly. Was thinking about resources which they don't seem to have.
Nyx Wrote:He's asking if the AI should create another 2 ship types, and have a system for themselves where the background and starsphere is "AI-like" material, like 10101's as the background, almost like entering a digital world. He's also mentioning that there should be a jumpgate entry for what should be another system, but in this system, (like the dyson sphere) it is the insides of this AI mothership. You would be able to see AI manufactoring stations and npc drones "working" inside there. So basically being inside a base and being able to fly around in it.
Well a new system would be very unlikely, maybe make Kappa more "AI" like?
And about the "Dyson" like structure, I guess the staff would be a big no here. I can't see AI having the resources to have the ability to build a variety of ships (that being a complete ship line), so I don't see how could they have the resources to construct a light year sized structure, and that will never happen I guess.