Place and year of birth: Planet Houston, Texas in the 3rd of December, 788 A.S.
Personal Background: Of Edge Worlds origins, Omega 52 for exactly, I was born in Planet Houston, Texas system. My father was an ex-Coalition soldier, my mother a Zoner trader. After I finished school, at the age of nineteen, I received a letter from the Liberty Navy to get trained at West Point Military Academy. I accepted and I did a one year training in that prestigious place. I try all type of ships, from Light Fighters to Gunboats, instead of the Capitals. My first ship was an Eagle VHF, good agility and firing arc. I did some work for Navy as a scout and spionage in the Borderworlds, but one day I get caught from the Rheinland Reichstag and I was sacked by the Navy for my failure. One year later, at the age of thirty, when I was flying in Frankfurt system, I saw from afar a base with some different ships flying around that. My scanner said it was Bruchsal Base, a Bundschuh base. After I reached the bar I read some news about Bundschuh activity in Rheinland System. I was remain amazed about that, some soldiers who fight for a good cause against the Rheinland Reichstag!
What brings you to our cause? The hope to rebuild a new kind of Rheinland, free and uncorrupted, and fighting the oppressor under your wing it will be an honour for me.