The man in the black suit grins "Mhm, that is me. I am Erik Nodtviet, Guildmaster of The Core. Welcome to Dabadoru Station" said the Guildmaster, power in his voice. He spies her eyes looking at his clothing. "I see you've taken notice of my attire?" He chuckles "Of course, when I'm flying I'll wear something else but otherwise I'll always prefer a suit when I'm not flying" .
He pauses and smiles. "Suits are worn by people who have power. Businessmen, leaders, rulers and so forth. I doubt you've ever seen Golanski wear such attire. There's a reason why I wear a suit, and he wears whatever cheap rags the Order might be able to buy" he brags.
"Anyway..." He turns his attention to the troopers "Take her to the holding cell on the next level down. Specifically, the one with the interrogation equipment" He smiles somewhat darkly at Agatha "Lets see if she has any useful information" he announces, as The Core troops begin to take her away towards the elevator the cells. Nodtviet holds back and does not follow them.
"Paladin Hawken will assist with the interrogation, I have other matters to attend to" He says, before turning and leaving for the hangar.