Our story begins the other night
My windows were filling with dawn's first light
I flew into Texas to role-play
Because two LR- looked like they had something to say
And wouldn't you know it, I was right.
The conversation started out meek.
I said "Hello, friend." The response I got was just "*Squeak*"
I thought it was fun
And be over and done
But no, Shared.Torpedo just had to ruin it and speak.
What he had to say was in no way funny
'Cause with Rogues it's always..., always about the money
I saw the cat coming from the bag
All because of my damn blasted tag
There's always some NaCl in my honey.
I heard "Torpedoes don't pirate" a guy named Spazzy say
So this incident must have been a real off day
Intent was just for me to die
So the torpedoes began to fly
Do you even know how to Disco any other way.
This isn't negative feedback, as it might seem at first glance
The money isn't an issue to me, so much as the bad moves of your dance
Where I do feel some sleight
Is that this wasn't my fight
But I'm glad that I gave you your moment to prance.
// Remembered the conversation in TS last night, and I figured I'd give you something to laugh about.
[09.06.2015 07:33:36] LR-Shared.Torpedo: Ey, Junker. Wait up.
[09.06.2015 07:33:42] .:j:.Terra.Firma: Tyria: Bonjour, mon amis.
[09.06.2015 07:33:49] LR-Hamster.Torpedo.2: *Squeak*
[09.06.2015 07:33:55] LR-Shared.Torpedo: Yeah, bless you.
[09.06.2015 07:34:18] LR-Shared.Torpedo: Anyway, this is not your lucky day.
[09.06.2015 07:34:47] LR-Shared.Torpedo: Our boss, right? He told us to come here and remind the Congressmen that ignoring our transmissions and invitations is very
[09.06.2015 07:34:47] LR-Shared.Torpedo: rude.
[09.06.2015 07:35:42] .:j:.Terra.Firma: We're not capable of helping ourselves anymore, let alone those who ask for it.
[09.06.2015 07:35:51] LR-Shared.Torpedo: I doubt Mort cares.
[09.06.2015 07:36:17] LR-Shared.Torpedo: The bosses sent you fellows a few transmissions, apparently.
[09.06.2015 07:36:20] LR-Shared.Torpedo: Nobody replied.
[09.06.2015 07:36:22] LR-Shared.Torpedo: Guess what happens now?
[09.06.2015 07:38:03] LR-Shared.Torpedo: What are you going to say about that, hm?
[09.06.2015 07:38:16] .:j:.Terra.Firma: Tyria: Pardon, I was answering some neural net transmissions before I get what's coming.
[09.06.2015 07:38:55] LR-Shared.Torpedo: Really now. I suggest you keep your undivided attention on me, considering I am pointing a gun at your head.
[09.06.2015 07:39:29] LR-Shared.Torpedo: Mort asked us to demand compensation for wasting our time. I am thinking he meant for you to pay him 15 000 000 credits.
[09.06.2015 07:39:44] LR-Shared.Torpedo: But feel free to say now. If I shoot your face off, I am sure boss will be just as delighted.
[09.06.2015 07:39:58] LR-Shared.Torpedo: say no*
[09.06.2015 07:40:36] .:j:.Terra.Firma: Tyria: I'll give you twice that, if you stop wasting my time.
[09.06.2015 07:40:49] LR-Shared.Torpedo: Wasing your time?
[09.06.2015 07:41:07] LR-Shared.Torpedo: Hey, get this. Apparently we are wasting his time.
[09.06.2015 07:41:24] .:j:.Terra.Firma: It's not all fun an crimes being a seller of junk.
[09.06.2015 07:41:43] LR-Shared.Torpedo: Really?
[09.06.2015 07:41:53] .:j:.Terra.Firma: So, that's a no then?
[09.06.2015 07:42:01] LR-Shared.Torpedo: Well, we are wasting your time, after all.
[09.06.2015 07:42:26] /givecash lr-shared.torpedo 30000000
[09.06.2015 07:42:26] You have sent 30.000.000 credits to lr-shared.torpedo
[09.06.2015 07:42:29] LR-Shared.Torpedo: That is very unfortunate. I am sure my boss will understand.
[09.06.2015 07:42:36] LR-Shared.Torpedo: Nice one.
[09.06.2015 07:42:55] LR-Shared.Torpedo: Bye.