Giving Nodtviet a bit of a surprised look as he spoke of interrogation equipment. "..Not going to personally see to torture of a former Order operative? Pity.. Besides you wont need it. I have nothing to hide..." Looking back to the rest of her corraled officers, she decides it best to give them at least a bit of hope,forcibly yanking at her cuffs to test their strength. They held tight without a budge. Well.. Seems the cuffs wont come off that way..", she said under her breath, rolling her shoulders once more as she looked around with her good eye, walking with the remainder of Core troopers as they pushed her along..
Forcing a stop before she entered the lift, her torso turned back enough to get a good look at Nodtviet.. .."For what its worth.. I'd rather talk to you over these interrogations.. You look a lot better than Golanski in his monday dragfest.." The sound of a few laughs was heard from several of her crewman as she was forced into the lift, both doors shutting quickly from what hopefully wouldnt be the last time she would see her crew. Cutting her laughter aside, she grew serious once more as the sound of metal upon metal hummed into her ears, lowering her head slightly as she repeatedly whispered to herself.. "...Agatha.. ID code 1-7-1-19-8-1-UXT.... DOR.. 8-19-818 AS...... Agatha.. ID code 1-7-1-19-8.1-UXT.... DOR.. 8-19-818 AS.." Agan and again she spoke until the lift came to a sudden stop, the doors to the lift opening up to reveal a single person with a smile.. "..And you must be Paladin Hawken... I expected someone in white armor wielding a giant blade and spikey blonde hair.."