Please cut the bull, Flash.
You've been on both sides of this. You know how good it feels to be on the ganking side, you know how bad it feels on the receiving side. This time you were on the wrong side. Tomorrow you will be on the right side. It is how things are and you have been on this server more than enough to not care about something as trivial as ending up on the wrong side of the blue.
You are a talented PvPer and yes it feels bad that all of that skill is for naught, when you have 7 enemies on you. But my guys do not have said skill. You want things to be fair, but only because you know that you can come out on top in a fair fight.
So no. It is not fair. Deal with it.
Rogues by their nature are not a nice group. They are not.
You see them, you stomp them into the ground, you bring everything you have to take them out before they can amass enough firepower to be a nuisance. This is how it has always been. We've always been on both sides of the gank fence.
I was using the phrase "Welcome to Liberty", because this is something both sides have used as far as I can remember.
The LR-, by the choice of most members, have long ago agreed that since the only two good people in PVP that we have are Jayce and Impy, both of which do not fly during peak times due to timezone differences, we might as well come out on top during raids via numbers. Today's fight in Colorado is a good enough example. You really think any one of my boys, including me can take on a [HF] in a fair fight? Don't be ridiculous.
Be glad you were ganked. You are impossible to deal with otherwise and here is to the hope I or any other Rogue will never be unlucky enough to be caught alone with a [HF].
But in short yes.
Feel free to. And we will do so in return.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: