What would have happened if the battleship disappeared? Now you have 3 Gbs and a snub against the fattest, easiest to hit bombers in the game, if you do not count the Fafnir.
Would it then be my turn to post in your thread?
Oh, and do not even try to mention the gunboat, you were too busy shooting the barghests anyway, hoping to score at least a few blues before it was over.
My point still stands. You were 15k away from Riverside. If your pride does not allow you to dock, then at least go down fighting in glorious flames, rather than try to rationalize something that could have never been a fair fight in the first place. Not with the ships present.
LR- are not nice people. And while this sounds like an OORP excuse, it is not meant to be. Yes, feel free to dump your LNS fleet on us. You know. The way it has been for years now. Hate the LR-. They are bad people. They are Rogues. They are not bound by morals or a goal, they are in it because they can. They will not think twice to make your day bad, and so shouldn't you in return.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502