(07-16-2015, 08:03 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: What started as a silly thing done by 1 or 2 people has grown into a large trend as of recent. Whilst novas are funny, I really hate it when people throw double nova bombers into snub fights. Would be good to have a mechanic to prevent that.
It is absolutely silly and ruins many interesting fights of all you need to do is "sacrifice one bomber" and take out half the enemy team. It's cheap. It's stupid. It's not counterable.
If possible, it should not be possible.
It's one of these instances where "death does not matter" makes the game worse. No one would fly a loadout that takes you out yourself nearly 100 %. So much for "roleplay", realism, etc. And let's not even talk about the one-sided fun of this kind of "wait for the insta... wait... BOOOOM!!!!" fighting.
(07-16-2015, 01:47 PM)Pepe Wrote: Novas are just bringing us lolwutery, imho.
I would say: "double Novas" bring us lolwuttery.
Single Novas can be good for teamplay, as fighters have something to do. Use TCD and kill the Novas. It works, and is not easy at all. A real challenge for snub cover.