(08-02-2015, 06:59 PM)Thunderer Wrote: Almost always I have seen (or heard of) the said Mollys, in case they were able to, escape to Golden Coin, under the cover of its numerous weapons platforms. Even if they were offered a fair fight.
Being offered a "fair" fight is quite a rare thing to the last least. Maybe one of twenty encounter. Might remember having one in the last ( two ? ) month. But generally you'd be outnumbered by far.
So i suspect the problem to lie elsewhere... like in what the complaining players ( and it seem they're few, because we didn't had many encounters but with the same player(s) ) consider to be "fair" fight.
For example i had complains, about me fleing with a fighter from three... or fleeing with a barguie from a fighter.
However, it's not that i complain about it, for that's how it should be : "taking the risk to lose a pilot and a ship when the victory is granted" is the logical thing to do.
On the other hand, it's also hightly logical to flee when the defeat is granted.
Considering the whole thing, it might not involving the faction, but only from a few pilot and me...
Or is it all about fleeing from a fight ? I think there was a threat about it.