The Hacker wanted to tell her about his true affiliation but he couldn't. It was too risky, and Leslie was still in danger. But his decision did not burden him; he had long accepted this sacrifice.
"Much like what some Outcasts would say, my dear." He simply said.
"Your judgment was correct in coming to me. You should be extremely careful with anyone who has any sort of ties with the Büro. I cannot tell you to not trust no one, but the fewer people from your past you trust, the better." His mind was racing, comparing the options, weighing the situations and calculating the outcomes. Eventually his cardamine-enhanced mind had reached a conclusion.
"I have a suggestion for you. A place hidden from the eyes of your enemies. A worthy cause to fight for. And... a way to meet you frequently." He paused for a moment to gain Leslie's full attention.
"I have contacts inside the Sisterhood of Dreams. It's an honorable organization which is extremely difficult to infiltrate and fights for what is right in Kusari. They are cardamine consumers and they frequently visit Leiden for supplies. I'd like to hear your thoughts on it, Leslie."