I understand the "okay, you are all enemies, so who do we shoot first?" point.
Still, I do not think that Planet New London should be where this takes place.
Also bringing like your complete cap fleet to -this- place, at exactly -that time- when you know that there would be a POB siege (it was all over the forums/Skype). I mean... it yells "defending base", sorry. It just does.
So, your argument still does not convince me entirely, to be honest.
I see your point, though.
And it would make sense in many many places - most places actually.
But not 500 m from the New London Planet docking ring in defense of a House Corporate base that is being defended by your enemies.
Anyway, was fun pews and a surprising turn there.
P.S. These Cruisers could do with a hull buff, I think. CAU8 and still felt rather weak against bombers.