Recruitment : Kubana-HAFANANA
my real name is Jakub Pitel
I am 15 xears old
I am playing FL more than 8 months
my PVP skills are good , I have choosen TBH cause my friend told me you that are good and i want to be Corsair.
When I was young amigo, my father was artifact dealer and he was often drunk. My mother was light woman, the best in Spain. I was often thinking about my future. I ever wanted to be Corsair. One day, I think it was saturday, my father did not returned home. We, (me and my mother) were scared. On next day, someone has comed and told us that my father was killed by outcasts. He was carrying high amount of artifacts from Ommicron gamma to Mannthatan. I was not sad, but I was so angry, that i have sweared that I will punish my father?s murders. Couple of days later, I left my home and I went to Manhattan to start new life. In Manhattan I have found ship dealer but unfortunately, the only ship that I could buy was Starflier. So I bought it and I decided to go to Ommicron gamma, to become the Corsair. Unfortunately, when I was heading from New york jump gate to Colorado, a group of Outcasts have catched me. I was fighting like a lion, but my starflier was soon like a scrap metal. Suddenly the a Titan ship appeared, and started to beat the Stilletoes. When they were gone, the Titan have stoped and I decided to thank to this Corsair. He intoduced himself: Hi bro I am Fabiano and I told him my story. He said: Ok bro I?ll give you some Money and come with me I will buy you a ship. I have followed him to Ommicron gamma. There I bought Titan and I wrote my story to you dear reader. I left Crete and I started with punishing Outcasts, and my reputation reached the top. I bought Corsair id and I would like to join TBH clan.
Well I think I will be collecting these admin quotes as my signature "Collecting Admin quotes. So I gave him a Moderator one." -Moveit56 "Tractorlancer" -Jansen "I'm higher than aerelm's ping. ~Narc "Some random quote" -mwerte LWB is the bestest! ~ Moveit56 "Will you be my minion? -Mrs. Altejago No, he's mine ~Snoopy Wow, the Team's memory desk in this sig? K. I'm in ~ Dimon