PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Laura Caspers, Staatssekretärin of the Bundeskabinett Sekretariat SOURCE:Bundeskanzleramt, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:ALG request for use of fighters and bombers
Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter security director Richter, staatssekretärin Caspers hier. I was entrusted to inform you on behalf of the Rheinland government that your request was discussed by Bundestag and its reduced form was approved.
ALG Waste Disposal is permitted to use two more Wraith very heavy fighters, making it total of eight permitted ships of this type. Also can use two Phantom heavy fighters and same amount of Mjolnir super heavy fighters.
Regarding the rest, Bundestag permitted you use of only six Bergelmir bombers and six Fafnir bombers. Any bomber also can´t be stationed in Liberty, thus assigning them to your Delta wing is not allowed.