@ Sidroms
no no and another no ... pob'S with stored ore gives a SINGLE one the possibilitiy to GET ore.
you sometimes had and still have to wait hours for a miner. The F1 thing -i pesonally totally dislike- is the only possibility for a single one getting this stuff concerning your idea.
its not the way ... its not the price ... a mining faction does mining, a trading faction does the tading quiete simple why else the ID's show cooperation partners ?
if you concern to the prices its more awful to see 2 lawful points to sell but 6 unlawful points no matter how much you will get - now piracy pays - instead of asking for 5 or 10 millions you get more blowing the freighter. AND another point is unlawfuls ONLY need to leave the system e.g. Omicron 3 or 7 at the right exit and noone will follow them into the unlawful systems or borderworld.