Of course the community of a space sim rated PG-13 has to be rated E, because why not?
About said derogatory term, perhaps it's just me, but I have met the word relatively recently and had never really seen it mentioned in a context to suggest one's mental disability, often experienced it's usage in relation to one's stupidity/silly decision, or just usual mockery between people of maturity level of teenagers. I've also recently found out that said four letter word is short for an other six letter variant of it, which reminds me more of a national from a certain middle-Asian country (mainly because it's spelled literally the same in my own language and doesn't differ from the English version that much either) than somebody with an extra chromosome. I've never associated these terms with people suffering trisomy-21, nor do I think anybody should. Or take any insult seriously at all. We are on the internet after all.