There are multiple examples in which you can make 5k/unit profit in the next system by e.g. grabbing a FL transport and hauling there. Why would people fly long, risky routes through bottlenecks when you can make money that cheaply?
The idea of unlawful selling points is good. We need that.
However, it needs to be done differently, imo.
Unlawful selling points should be on shady bases that are widely open for docking.
- for Omega ore: O41 Freeport
- for Tau ore: Omicron Alpha (Tau pirates should be OC aligned there anyway)
- for Dublin ore: Not Londonderry. Too short, too safe.
- ...
In my opinion, there should be 2-3 system routes for unlawfuls.
Lawful routes should be longer. Some are rather short at the moment, making them overpowered, and also discourage cooperation. Longer routes make people meet and fly together. Short ones provoke powertrading.