I would like to start by offering my support to Senor Asno Muleo with regard to the comments he has made relating to the 'fairness' of the current Corsair Council, and whilst I accept that the airing of our laundry in public is not necessarily a good idea I do think that all Corsairs (independant or otherwise) should be given an answer as to whether the TBH feel that the existing make up of the Council is 'fair'? (\\oorp preferably without talking about the RP of whether more than one individual from any single genetic family can sit on the Council)
In response to Senor Lucend comments I would like to point out that I raised many of these points previously on the 20th April, and have contacted a member of the TBH via private communications some days ago asking for clarification of these points. I am still waiting for a response of any sort relating directly to this communication. (\\oorp I have been speaking to a number of Corsairs, TBH amongst them and generally I have always received a courteous response within a few days - although not necessarily always in agreement with me!).
Whether this lack of cimmunication has been as a result of the individual being too busy I do not know, however would Senor Lucend agree that the points are valid and deserving of an answer?
In the event that Senor Lucend feels it is not something that either he, the TBH or the Council feel that they want/are able to answer would he please inform the Corsair Nation so that we can all move on?
Alternately, if he wishes to contact me directly over my private Comms then please do so (I would also ask that any communication on this particular issue should be sent to Senor Muleo as well), and I will relay the answers to the rest of the Benitez and any other Independant Corsairs who have previously expressed an interest.