(01-27-2016, 01:08 AM)Strike2569 Wrote: Ok, unless much has changed. My understanding.
None of the governments like the Junkers! And yet they know and require their services.
The Junkers are needed!~ And for this need are tolerated.. The debris fields are growing, and there is no one to collect them without the Junkers. Junkers are well aware of this to of course.
And it's know that with Junkers there will be, unavoidable issues. The Junkers are given a Quasi real status. Despite being know as "smugglers" and having well known criminal affiliations. But there is no one else that provides the Needed services of the Junkers. This need has created over Centuries, a never-told, but strict rule. A very well acknowledged rule. This rule has always controlled Junker and Government relations. - Don't bother us, and we won't bother you. Again there is a reason this is real and centuries old. And yes it can be fustrating for Law factions to be working for a government that for what ever reason. Has to follow this centuries old Strict, Rule. But it's there.
Yes lawful factions can be aware of un-lawful ships docking. Of course. Just like the same government those Lawful work for know there will be "Issues" having Junkers. And perhaps thats why they are not liked by any government. Junkers don't care Of course. And perhaps the base makes copious amounts of profit off of these ships that land on their base. And the goverment the Lawful factions work for know this well enough to. So the Junkers may take some slack. But they know their needed. And if Governments have no choice. Then it can be a tough necessity for Lawful factions to work around this.
No, junkers really aren´t "needed" by house governments and there is not any "centuries old strict rule" about don´t bothering each other. No house would tolerate entity which is harbouring criminals and enemies, especially when they provide supplies to their capital ships.
First, you completely forgot ALG which does exactly same work like Junkers.
Second, Junkers simple scavenge for their own profit, nothing more and nothing less, they are not hired by governments. If debris fields would be real problem, governments would hire some corporation for cleaning. There are many options, because it is not really specialized work when you just collect junk flying in space.
By the way, funny fact - the most "clean" house regarding debris fields is Kusari where - surprise surprise - junkers are not tolerated and are shot/evicted on sight. So obviously they aren´t necessary to ensure there won´t be such places.