==================== Type: Systems Bug: Part of Jakarta(/Singapore) has the wrong rep ====================
One part of the Singapore/Jakarta complex has a hostile reputation (towards IMG).
Probably should have no reputation at all, since it is not a targetable piece unless it is hostile to you.
Since all other parts also use gd_im_grp rep, this should maybe as well. Though, as I said, untargetable objects could just as well not have a reputation at all as far as I know. That would also make it so you don't see a ton of red arrows pointing to nothing if you are hostile to the stations/part's faction in question.
(Might need a removal if all reps from all untargetable objects of that complex though.)
I made them use the vanilla Stealthblade effects for a reason. Uniqueness. And because they fit much better than these squiggly Hornviper effects. While I despise the current naming scheme for the guns - I'd rather prefer the Tachyon guns to be called Stealthblades, like in Vanilla, instead of "Hornvipers" (where does that come from anyway?! How does that name make any sense for Rheinland guns...?) - I can somewhat live with it. The current effects on the other hand are just wrong, unfitting and most of all: OVERUSED.
On the other hand the old vanilla effects were only used by Rheinland and no-one else:
Lavablade Mk II's claim to be Plasma guns while they actually are Particle guns.
==================== Type: Restarts Bug: Unioner restart puts you on Hammersee (RFP planet)in Lüneburg ====================
It's kind of unfriendly. And seems to enjoy shooting your rearside when leaving.
==================== Type: Missions/Reputation Bug: Colonial missions give very little reputation ====================
Colonial Military missions increase Colonial Military reputation at "Guard pace": 0.01 rep per mission, compared to normal mission progress being at 0.09 (0.08 for OC/Corsairs) to 0.14 (0.15 for IC) reputation points per mission. The same is also true for the now non-Guard The Core.