The look on Agatha's face changed a bit to surprise as she crossed one of her legs over the other at the appearance of her flagship. Brushing the side of her hair that covered her eyepatch, she took a long breath in and let it out. "A few months after I had joined into the ranks of the 141st Task Force, I had worked over a plan with my commander Enrico Davids over forcibly... acquiring.. one of the older Atlantis Class Carriers from Alaska that were being decommissioned for the newer models. We took it upon ourselves to help relieve some of their work. The operation was a simple snatch and grab. Origionally we picked out one that was the best intact but the Liberty Lost, originally named the LNS-Wrath.of.Liberty, was the best we could find in near full condition. After two days of observation of the area, we moved in with a small crew and a repurposed Hercules tug. While a small diverson was created. our tug and several members broke the restraining clamps holding it in dock and pulled her right out. She was a mess inside as most of the components and all the weaponry were removed, basically an empty shell of what it once was. While she was missing her port side deck, we were able to force jumpstart most of the critical systems, life support, basic lighting, etcetera etcetera and repurposed her as a long term maintence and assault post for several of our fighter wings. We tried our damnedest to get weaponry to work onboard but all we could manage was some of our lighter defensive arrays seeing that most of the ports for heavier weaponry were utterly scrapped out."
She took a brief moment of pause as she looked down at her glass, skimming the top of it for several seconds. "It was probably one of my greatest achievements within the 141st. Anything that kept me out of Golanski's sight no one in the command structure had issues with. Hell if he was able to repurose a fully working Nephilim, there wouldn't be an issue with us using a floating hulk as an bearth of operations. We had at one point contacted several members within the Lane Hacker organization for assistance in structural details and schematics of the old Atlantis Class, we couldn't get much from it but we were able to rebuild all four launch bays cause of their help." As Agatha took a bit more to drink, she thought a lil bit more in detail about the L.L. "She was barely able to move out of her dock when the... attack in Minor happened. I was hoping her first tour would be a grand one in view of Toledo but, it never took place. Instead my first view of her was after I had gotten out of a recovery ward on Freeport 11 with family of mine. After that.. The Liberty Lost was pretty much my home along with a good chunk of other personnel as we worked on the hulk to get her engines in near full working order. Then she was put into her rounds and the rest is history. I do sometimes miss the Bane though..."