COMM ID: Inge 'Schwungvoll' Wexler
TARGET ID: Volker Koch, Büro der Marineintelligenz
SUBJECT: Agent Inge Wexler
Herr direktor Koch,
Some time ago we encounter each other in front of New Berlin while I was undercover. Due to the nature of my mission and the timing of the encounter it was a little difficult to explain to you why and what exactly was going on. That is why I am sending you this communique in the hope to resolve these faults in the information exchange of agent dossiers. I'll be trying to get you up to speed on my current situation
Some time ago (+2 years) I was send on a mission to pursue leads beyond the borders of Rheinland.* To be able to work without running into trouble a cover story was set in place. Me, an ex Republican pilot, set out on her own as a Freelancer. Remaining lawful she would try to gain trust from the peace keepings forces of mainly Liberty. There are enough rumours of deserters out there and my main goal was to track these down. In these two years I have been working on this I returned some pilots to Rheinland, not all of them were alive however but at least their names could be taken of the list.
With the upcoming treaty with Liberty the mission has been downscaled and no longer requires my full attention as possible leads to Rheinland pilots that deserted us may be resolved via more open channels with Liberty. I however have my doubts about the willingness that Liberty might show in this matter. Never the less I still have my connections and leads to pursue and gaining trust from Navy, LSF or even the police is never a bad thing, this is why I'll be retaining my Freelancer status who will remain unrelated to the buro. Currently I'm being more and more trusted by a person named Norman O'Connor who seems to have leads towards the LSF, so far I haven't managed to gain much intel but we are working on that. My problem remains that I cannot afford any slip up with the current state of diplomacy between Rheinland and Liberty.
Personally I am happy that I'm able to drop my cover every now and then and return flying in a wraith performing more common duties within Rheinland. Being active here often feels as if I am doing more valuable work simply because the results will be there instantly. Take for example yesterday when New Berlin was plagued with all sorts of 'bad' people... or things.* This encounter however added some nuances to my future as a nomad entity known as Ish'tar mentioned my actual name with people hanging around all over the place. I don't think many would have connected it to 'Schwungvoll' but I will have to be cautious about the future.
A pilot with the name Noah Xonnel may have caught on with the nomad about my true identity as said pilot knows me and worked with me while I was being a Freelancer. He tried to contact me on my wraith after the incident but some scrambling of my voice seemed to have put him off as he would not have recognized it. This pilot later came to me aid when I was in heavy combat with two Corsair patrols who had a combined force of 9 small craft.
A brief summery, currently I am active as a Freelancer known with my original name 'Inge Wexler' who was fired by Republican due to budget cuts. Due to this she set out as a Freelance escort pilot, mainly outside Rheinland. With the current diplomatic status between Rheinland and Liberty I gained more time to assist Rheinland at home as an MND pilot going by the IFF of 'Schwungvoll'.
I hope that with this communique things have been cleared up and you have an updated view on the situation. If you require more information or have questions, feel free to ask them.