(03-25-2016, 01:03 AM)Blodwyn ODriscoll Wrote: May i ask what's the point of this new rule ?
As for the [m]olly, we still ALL do use the generic ID, as it's exactly the same as the faction ID ( which does not have an Icon yet ). In fact i don't think we do have access to the faction ID.
One a last though, it seems that we didn't get warned by PM of this new rule change... again. You all know it would be easier to inform people that way.
No one got PM'd of this, as it was made by an Announcement. Not sure the confusion?
(03-25-2016, 01:09 AM)NeonBunny™ Wrote: The Blood Dragons (BD|) don't even have an official ID.
And how is that gonna be solved? (nerd)