This thread only shows that it is not only new players who need to have the server rules updated to have it easier.
I would like the green team to take a look at the current rules page and introduce descriptions and explanations of terminology used in Discovery.
For a new player, keywords such as ''trading'' and ''escorting'' or ''generic ID'' does not explain anything if those words themselves are not explained within the context of the server rules. I will be posting an ID revamp example in the near future and will be adding things to address this problem.
EDIT: Actually, come to think about it, the server rules aren't made for new players, are they? They are made simpler and are patched and improved upon not to make them easier to understand, but rather in a manner that stops experienced players from harming gameplay.
So the root of the problem is something else.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: