A joined laugh filled Agatha's lungs as the atmosphere of the room seemed to lighten for a moment with the slight joke of Paladin Hawken, continuing on to answer her question. "The OCV-Bane of the Wolf is... scuse me... was my first command of a capital asset, even if it was an older variant of the Geb class. I'm more than aware that the Core have seen their fair of them. After Toledo she was deemed unfit for service and was to be scrapped."
Agatha's smile slowly began to fade into a heavy twinge of anger, lowering her head enough to cover the sight of her face. Suddenly she stepped up from her chair, tightening her fists and straining the chains of her cuffs outward as she began to speak in an heated tone, speaking through her teeth as her face was still hidden. "I came to leave the Order for its actions of hate against myself and those who supported me... And now I'm faced with such a threat similar to when I first was recovered...Little did I think that I would be threatened with dismemberment twice in one lifetime.. The Liberty Lost is MINE and my crews HOME.... We are its life blood." She began to slowly raise her head, baring her teeth towards Hawken as she clentched her fists tighter, enough to cut into her skin. "I'll make you a counter offer... We, my crew and I, will work and captain the Liberty Lost as our prison. Work alongside the Core til our death or freedom is gained, and not fret. But I swear to you Paladin... Should I die like you stated by the Core's hands, you will have to deal with the rest of my family. And so help me, living in hell will be like Baden Baden compared to what one of them can do to the Core alone... AS. A. START!
Her breathing fell hard and shallow as she sunk back into her chair, lowering her head enough to glare back at Hawken with her single eye through several locks of red. Unmoving from the chair she sat upon, her chest heavied slightly as the riveting pulse of her heart pounded hard, feeling her hands retch with pain as several drops of crimson hit the floor panels and her boots below.