Further to a brief earlier discussion in OFL chat, I want to stress my extreme disappointment with how my earlier 'interaction' went.
I don't need two razor cruisers trying to blast me while I'm engaged in a snub duel - particularly when it's a Manta vs an AI Drone, for God's sake. I am not sure how you and the others involved (Auxesia) weren't happy enough with sawing through the rest of the Core present without taking any losses and decided that you absolutely couldn't even consider conceding even one snub blue to the other side, but it offends me greatly from a fair play perspective. If you had no intent of allowing the duel to go on at all, then you should have just told me to piss off from the beginning. I would have appreciated that more than spending more than half an hour of my time as a glorified piñata for some of the most terrifyingly overtuned ships in the mod.
I get a lot of stick myself for what others perceive as me preventing GRN| losses through overcommittals to ongoing groupfights. Sometimes, I think there might be some truth to those claims - but then something like this happens and I realise that, for all the flaws my faction and I have between us, we are far from stooping to the same level as some others.
I want to know your rationale - from an ooRP perspective - for wasting my time with that travesty that happened about half an hour ago. I will provide evidence (however thin, since my screenshot program wasn't working, else there'd be sheafs of it) to avoid any mealy-mouthed 'please provide screens' nonsense, despite the fact that I know the faction leader himself was there and therefore it shouldn't really be necessary. I am not interested in the iRP justification, because, frankly, I already know what you're going to say and don't consider it a valid excuse whatsoever - prevention of losses from an iRP perspective does not excuse ganking the daylights out of someone in my book, nor should it ever.
The more cynical part of me thinks that you didn't expect me to bother writing this post at all, and rather hoped I'd burn myself out on Skype beforehand. Unfortunately, I think it's important that you're held accountable for your (IMHO deplorable) actions, and that I get a chance to either get some damage control thrown my way, or a simple lack of response that speaks volumes about your intentions on this server as regards empathy for the other side in a fight.