First of all I was completely aware that you are going to write this post, I even offered you to "take it somewhere else". For the record I will say that yes, the way you desribed the situation was how it went.
If it helps: yes, you would have gotten that drone with ease. This is now why we intervened though. The decision to interrupt the duel was one I made as the leader of an AI faction and not as who I am as a person. That is a very important thing for me: I refuse to break character, even if it means making people angry.
While I try to balance fights out as much as possible, I simply can't do the same about dules. Duels are an action that's based on honor and accpetance from both sides. (PRIME) AI's operate on a min-max principle: maximum benefit for minimal effort. Accepting the loss of a unit to keep a duel fair would be completely illogical in that regard. I tried everything to keep you alive in that situation: the attacking units were ordered not to go for the kill and you were given multiple chances to just leave.
As I said, an AI has no sense of honor or justice, its actions are entirely based around its own benefit. I very well know about the unwritten law of not interrupting a duel and with every other faction I wouldn't have interfered, but not here. No I am not saying that PRIME will gank whenever possible - an overkill would be inefficient as well - but note that PRIME will not take emotions like pride or honor into consideration since those emotions were deemed useless and inefficient.
I'm sorry that I have to go for the "that's just our RP" explanation, but that's how it is.