How about this member just reads the rules again, because he just gave me 2 seconds to react... not bad.
[19.04.2016 23:54:52] Core|WV-Fabricant: Sephiron: I. Am. Gathering data. On. [Subject]
[19.04.2016 23:55:03] weaponofmassseduction: Leopold: Not? may i ask why?
[19.04.2016 23:55:11] Core|WV-Danger.Zone: Jess: Iota's not a nice place.
[19.04.2016 23:55:31] WV-Das_Auto: Szwainsztaiger: its a nomad system
[19.04.2016 23:56:06] weaponofmassseduction: Leopold: i was told it should be beautiful, and some of my passengers switch to their profession as they heard that this cruise
[19.04.2016 23:56:18] weaponofmassseduction: heads up there.
[19.04.2016 23:56:35] Core|WV-Danger.Zone: Jess: Alright, I've decided I'm not interested any more.
[19.04.2016 23:56:37] Death: PRIME|Lambda_15 was put out of action by Core|WV-Danger.Zone (Gun).
[19.04.2016 23:56:42] Core|WV-Fabricant: Sephiron: Gathering. Combat. Data. Initiated. [Weapon systems: Online] Ready. To engage.
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