[Source:]_____________ Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha
[Signal Strength:]___ High
[Subject:]____________ Battle in Omicron Gamma
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I bring reports from today's Omicron Gamma battle that finished not so long ago. Our fleet that consisted of seven or more snubs, went to Omicron Gamma and payed a visit to Corsairs. Some of us took the route from Beta-Sigmas and others went the other way through Omicron Eta.
Our fleet re-grouped at Freeport 9 in Omicron Theta and from there attacked Corsairs that were in Gamma. Now, when we arrived the, Corsairs were somewhat silent as only few of them appeared on our scanners. After a few moments Corsairs came and the battle between our two groups began.
We quickly took down their Gunboat which wasn't that hard considering the numbers of fighters that we had at the time. The battle was hard, very hard, but we managed to destroy a lot of theirs ships. The ship that I was flying got heavily damaged so I had to retreat. However, I can proudly say that our Brigade showed a lot today to Corsairs. We will get stronger, day by day, we will!