Greetings, Kai Richter here, Director of Security for ALG Waste Disposal.
Recently, we've been looking into upgrading our two longest-serving gunboats, the Orkan and Taifun.
The two have served with distinction for years, but occasionally their civilian-grade weaponry leaves something to be desired. With the end of the war flooding the market with military surplus, we believe it to be an opportune time to acquire two sets of Vierling gunboat turrets for the two, weapons which significantly outperform their current armament.
Therefore, we are requesting permission to purchase these weapons, for usage by ALG Security Division, to be equipped on the Gunboats Orkan and Taifun.
The proper form is attached below, thank you for your time.
Weapon requested, amount: RGT-38a "Vierling" Gunboat Turret, 12
Identification of ship(s) using weapons: ALG Waste Disposal
Owner of ship(s) using weapons: ALG Security Division
Purpose: Improving firepower of ALG Security Division Gunboats