(06-13-2016, 09:38 PM)Traxit Wrote: PvP itself, as in the act of shooting, not the reason of doing so, is ooRP
That's a negative, and will always be. PvP is part of RP, and as such unfair fights are not something that I am absolutely opposed to. In my case, by the way, this "shoot them with everything possible"-attitude only applies if ships are threatening the Imperial Home systems, and from PRIMEs PoV, the ship that refused to turn away multiple times was a perceived threat, ergo they shot it with everything they had.
I'd like to add that I'm not in PRIME, but this "PvP is not a part of RP and should therefore follow the netiquette rules"-attitude really should stay in Conn.
Yea there are some times where you will pile things on other people as necessary to do whatever it is you where doing.
But then again you should consider a situation like a 5v1 oorply as well. Snubs wise. 2v1 or 3v1s are better than piling all 5 on 1 person. Speaking Inrply and oorply you shouldnt need 5 figthers to kill a Laz