Quote:So... in short: I don't see a point RP'ing with you in the future
Well you wouldn't see us posting in Core's Feedback thread if we were to simply chill out in Rho near Invicta, for example. Nobody would cry if the nomads were to gank people having smalltalk near the Ravine. Also nobody should cry if LN brings an entire fleet if Rogues pirate right next to Manhattan.
So when you come right up Planet Gammu - the absolute definition of a sanctuary for the AI - don't expect not to get shot.
Plus, in my opinion that wasnt a *gank*
A gank is - in my opinion - when a fight TURNS unfair by going from a 1v1 to a 5v1
In this situation, you knew from the start, that there were 5 Drones looking at you, ready to blast you any second.
Every human being with a will to live - no matter how curious he/she may be - would run for their lives, because they were actually given the chance.
You however, didn't. And basically choose to fight this 5v1.