(06-13-2016, 10:19 PM)Ace Razgriz Wrote: Is this how you want to see the game? Are we not allowed to act inrp anymore? Are we all supposed to be nice bunnies and say "Oh this guy is in my home and im a hostile foreign threat, let me just have ONE of us go look at it"
Have two of you go look at it if that one guy is too incompetent to deal with it on his own.
(06-13-2016, 10:19 PM)Ace Razgriz Wrote: This is why nobody likes Core, seriously, get over yourself. Im done with you, I'm done with your faction, and I'm done with your members, you think you all deserve special treatment. Like I said lyth, I expect only a single ship for all of core (even for how big you claim you are) If i come to rho, because thats what yo believe you need to do to be "fair" to the "players"
In that case stop coming to Mu while youre at it, no wonder people dont want to log if it entails interacting with core.
Your faction is promoting stupid RP over the fun of the guy(s) you're interacting with. Don't pick on other factions when you're own is beyond broken as it is.
I'm also not a Core member anymore, and I'm certain many more that aren't still think the same way I do/Lyth does. What, are you done with them too? Done with whatever their faction is if they're the leader of one? Your logic is magnificent.
(04-17-2016, 05:05 PM)Omicega Wrote: Noted. I find your explanation entirely unacceptable. Your upholding of your own personal RP values might seem noble to you, but to me it just shows a total lack of empathy for the player(s) on the other side of the screen - an attitude I find deplorable. I am not a side character in your faction's RP environment - I am here to have fun just as much as you are. You, however, don't seem to care much at all about that, so I'll simply leave you with this:
In future, I will be sure to treat PRIME| with all the fair play it deserves. I would also encourage anyone else who might read this thread and the response offered to follow suit.
I wish I'd give enough of a damn to leave Conn and gank your faction out of Discovery for good. All of your posts tell me that all you want to do is ruin fun for others by piling as many people as you can over whoever you can.