(06-13-2016, 10:30 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: This selfish and honestly toxic culture is the invisible blight on the community. It doesn't create a desire to revisit familiar places for more interactions. It doesn't leave players with a sense of enjoyment after encounters. It just leads to tears and discussions like this.
You act like you're not part of it, why are you even posting in this thread if you werent with laz? Oh right because youve stopped playing, youve lost interest, I WANT TO EXAGGERATE my sarcasm there, I have no qualms with getting a tempban or being toxic, but you are a serious plague, both you and laz. Simply because you see no logic and want this community to be a bunch of care bears. Get over yourselves. For the last time you shouldnt expect a fair fight if you go into someones HOME SPACE especially maybe of an alien species who are very territorial? Laz, top crying, and lyth, stop sucking his dick about it